Air Handling
SITAL KLIMA delivers internationally flexible solutions and engineered, reliable HVAC products for commercial, industrial and domestic applications.
The CTS Series is the answer to these needs, perfectly combining the concept of less space/ less cost, while maintaining the aim of satisfying a wide variety of systems requirements. The units making up the “CTS” series, built in compliance with the European directives, are available in 16 standard sizes, from 01 to 10 with square sections, from 11 to 16 with rectangular sections, covering a range of standard air flow-rates from 1000 to 80000 m3/h. For higher flow-rates, specific configurations are developed based on requirements.
Certifications obtained are the guarantee of the constant company’s strive for quality scopes. The efforts for this aim materialized since 1997 with the certification UNI EN ISO 9001, from 2005 with the reception of ISO 9001:2000 and from 2009 with ISO 9001:2008. The achievement of Eurovent certification, for CTS product series, guarantees to clients products performances as well as the firm’s consideration for quality matters.
Depending on the needs of the design and the spaces available, various configurations are possible. The more common ones are shown in the following diagram.
CTS - Bioxigen
The Bioxigen system makes the CTS units self-sanitizing by constantly preventing formation of microbial contaminants and consequently the risk of contamination. Max consumption 30 Watts. New bipolar ionization technology produces negative oxygen ions which continually neutralize bacteria, mould, viruses and spores. Bioxigen is positioned inside the CTS units, in places where microbial contaminants may accumulate.
Up to 95% bacteria abatement.
CTS Biox-sanitizing, using the chemical-physical action (redox) of Bioxigen, neutralizes various types of contaminants. In particular, Bioxigen interacts with the cellular membranes of bacteria, blocking enzyme exchange and consequently making them die and preventing proliferation. Indoor air quality (IAQ) depends also on installations healthiness. Many respiratory diseases (see Sick Building Syndrome) depends on IAQ. Bioxigen also reduces the microbial load on filters, making “worn” filters less hazardous for personnel who handle them.
Bioxigen function and position
CTS Biox-sanitizing features the Bioxigen system positioned in critical areas where microbial contaminants may form: cooling coil - humidifiers - moisture eliminators - drain pans - filters - heat exchangers.
The system prevents the formation of active bacterial film on all the inside surfaces exposed to the air being handled and, consequently, prevents the risk that bacteria are carried into air-conditioned rooms.
Design Evolution
The design attention for the global AHU efficiency and for air quality matters carried to the integration in CTS series of the Bioxigen® sanitization system. The system is certified and validated for effectiveness from universities and research centers and, thank to the controlled ionizing process, it guarantees a high internal hygiene of the air handling unit. The continuous Bioxigen® activity features very low energy consumptions and by mean of redox reaction generated inside the AHU, it acts on all surfaces and its components sanitizing all of them. In this way are minimized bacteria contamination risks without pressure drops and lowering costs of frequent cleaning to safeguard from bacteria growth. Give more attention in product selection adding Bioxigen® to CTS it’s a choice to protect the client and a significant contribution according to safem and sanitary norms.
In addition to the preventive action of Bioxigen, CTS Biox-hygienic is designed and developed with special constructional solutions and specific components to allow easy cleaning by mechanical means, with chemicals, and other systems.
Recent studies demonstrated that air conditioning systems are a fertile ‘ground’ for bacteria proliferation. Unhealthy installations bring to deteriorated hygienic conditions in the indoor environment because of the dust and the contaminant particles lifted up and moved inside the rooms, this action in particular contributes to microbial and mould proliferation in air ducts.
BioxAir is the only duct sanitization system that reduces the microbial load in the air and on surfaces, using tested and certified Bioxigen® technology.
BioxAir products can be fitted on both new and existing ductwork, and are sized according to air flow-rate, duct dimensions and application requirements.
A suitably-sized BioxAir system ensures benefits for both the occupants, by reducing the risk of contagion due to the spread of bacteria, and the environments themselves, by limiting the growth of mould on walls and ceilings. Moreover, in traditional ventilation systems, a lack of appropriate maintenance dangerously increases the risk of contamination; BioxAir, on the other hand, guarantees effective prevention, continuously controlled, 24 hours a day.
In order to prevent contamination it is recommended to insert Bioxigen modules, so the hygienic conditions in air ducts improve and lower the risks.
BioxAir application brings the following advantages:
Reduction of the risk for diseases due to pathogens in air and allergens
Legionella abatement in deodorization through redox reactions
Prevention of the microorganism formation from the inner surfaces of the air ducts
Continuous treatment.